About Us

At Books Done Better, our business is the culmination of many years of experience, and we are dedicated to bringing our expertise in bookkeeping to your company. Our "money lady" first realized she enjoyed working with money while holding a position for several years with General Electric Capital, in Stamford, CT. She was responsible for a $10 million annual budget for their Information Management Leadership Program (IMLP). Her challenge each year was to stretch those dollars, not only to pay the salaries of 125 people, but to physically move them every six months from city to city for the 24 months that each person was on the program. As those people graduated from the two-year program, the budget had to cover recruiting new program members, as well as stretch those funds to cover the strenuous training and classroom requirements. All of this had to be covered by the annual budget, and it was her job to make sure these financial tasks were met. The challenges of managing a budget of that size provided a strong foundation for the succeeding years, in which she has been able to help other people manage the finances of their businesses.

At Books Done Better, we love helping people. Our niche is bookkeeping, and our "money lady" and her associates really enjoy doing books better. Call or contact us today.